What Rhymes with Pollack?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


It has been nothing but crazy the last few weeks. With 30 Hour Online going up, back to back trainings, two weddings, pink eyes, and the flu, there has been no lack of excitement at work. And through it all, our team has taken each challenge head-on and pitched in whenever needed. I am truly grateful to be apart of the GT team.

Monday, July 6, 2009

The 12 Month Blues

Okay, so there comes a time in several teachers' lives when they decide to change positions, thus changing their months of work. This is my first year to work 12 months. Why do I feel sorry for myself? Why is it extra hard to get up in the morning? Does my body know that I haven't worked in July for the past 10 years and is fighting me?? I tell myself to suck it up and go to work just like everyone else in the world who doesn't have teacher schedules. I mean, how lucky were/are we? Some people only get TWO weeks of vacation in 12 months! I know I am spoiled but the blues still creep in. So veteran 12 monthers, do the blues go away as time progresses, or will every July bring back wistful memories of those old day teacher schedules?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Zoo

Yesterday, I visited a school, where the students were displaying dioramas that they constructed based on endangered species. At one display, I asked a girl if she had ever seen a polar bear. She said no. I asked her if she had seen one at the zoo. She responded that she had never been to the zoo. Before I could comment, the boy next to her, also stated that he had never been to the zoo. The girl had wanted to go, but the field trip cost 12 dollars and it was too much! 12 dollars!!

This broke my heart, to the point, that I had a dream last night that I rented a bus and took every single student that had never been to the zoo!

This made me reflect on a previous job where the principal did not believe that money should be wasted on field trips but instead be used for TAKS prep. Even when I located free field trips, I was told that the time could not be put aside for "such things" with testing and all.

Where has education gone? Since when has teaching moved from the enjoyment in a child's eyes due to a new experience to counting the "bubble kids" and calculating how much money they will bring to our pockets.

It sadden me. Very much so.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Recipe for Teaching Attitude

I am reading an online book on my new phone and found this wonderful "recipe" I wanted to share, "It was nothing a bit of attitude couldn't fix. And I had the recipe for attitude: two cups of aloof, a dash of dry wit, and a sprinkling of cruelty to taste."

If there was a recipe for teaching, what would the ingredients be?

Monday, April 6, 2009

New Phone

I have officially "out-teched" a digital native! Who would have thought? I have a nicer phone than my 14 year-old. I was always scared of the more techy phones, not wanting to put the energy in learning all "that stuff." My free flip phone was just fine with me, thank you very much!

Now, I own the latest phone from my provider and have introduced my 14 year-old to Skype, Jing, and Gcast. It feels so great to teach HER something!

It also has built a bond between us now that I am speaking her language. If teachers would embrace the digital native buried within them, they too would experience a different connection with their students, which could blossom into something great!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Teachable Moments

My blog post is simply another teacher's blog post from our G/T Thirty Hour Blog.

Here it is:

" I like the universal concept. I took the example from the last meeting and used patterns as my concept. I began by using the concept patterns in the weather, since this is the time with the change of seasons. A student found a wooden stick that was weathered. It made patterns in the ridges. The whole class was excited to see how the weather left a mark on the stick. It was awesome! A great teachable moment."

This blog post made me reflect on those precious teachable moments we have all encountered. I would love to hear YOUR teachable moments! Do share!