Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Recipe for Teaching Attitude

I am reading an online book on my new phone and found this wonderful "recipe" I wanted to share, "It was nothing a bit of attitude couldn't fix. And I had the recipe for attitude: two cups of aloof, a dash of dry wit, and a sprinkling of cruelty to taste."

If there was a recipe for teaching, what would the ingredients be?


  1. A cup of humility and fascination of the potential of the human beings put in our charge. A pinch of regret for those we can't reach. A scoop of humor to lighten the load, and a bushel of strategies to touch every soul who struggles to learn under our watchful eyes.

  2. A cup of caring in the deepest way. Two cups of compassion to resonate in every student's heart you touch. Enough patience to taste, as a different amount is required for each and every child and situation. 2 tablespoons of high expectations, to ensure every child reaches his or her maximum potential.
